Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

I hope all are well.  I am assuming that FOX and KANGA are doing well with their progress thus far and I look forward to their next letters.  The other letter I am receiving I will get to asap.  Tonight I want to talk about something near and dear to me, TRUTH.

Albert Einstein said "If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor."
and that quote really speaks volumes. Truth is a very big word, for only 5 letters in conjures up an infinite picture of endless meaning. In many respects the word truth has become more of a contradiction to it's basic meaning. The dictionary initially defines truth as the true or actual state of a matter. In it's later description is calls truth an ideal or a fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience. Between the two descriptions one finds plenty of room for justification...loopholes that twist it's meaning to be more consistent with the truth they choose to believe.

Strangely enough humans have found a unique ability to take 5 letters that make something as plain and easy to understand as "the true or actual state of a matter" and create a SCRABBLE BUILDER mental machine that can not only switch around the letters but add letters and meaning to serve their particular purpose. Truth is giving someone, even yourself an accurate description of what is plain and simply the facts without prejudice or ego. This proves to be quite a challenge for us, we sometimes would rather believe what we see in the mirror is the truth and what we hear in our minds are lies. As a matter of fact, the meaning of truth has been so stretched and entangled with the countless misinterpretations of a mental and physical site that is appears to look more like a three letter word...LIE.

I have always been VERY DYSLEXIC and whenever I type the word believe I usually misspell it as beleive and when I type the word belief I tend to type beleif...what is the problem here? I have a very big issue, as my spelling reflect, with the word LIE being a part of the word BELIEF as it is a constant contradiction. BE-LIE or BE-LIE-ev. In my heart I love that the name EVE is present in the word but it kills me to think the word LIE is attracted to something as fundamental as the Mother of Creation. I am so infatuated that the word BE begins these words but it is a personal abomination that LIE lives in the middle. If you feel this is a lesson in linguistics than you are correct. But just as the word BELIEVE has three parts so does my point.

One is the language of what we see, what we perceive and how we express it. Two is the point that it is not our fault that we no longer can see what TRUTH, reality, or the fundamental letters spell a very easy to understand concept. But 3, most importantly, is that belief and truth are so closely tied that it is impossible to say one with out the other following suit.

So we find ourselves looking in a mirror and the reflection we see we can no longer trust. It is so entangled and layers with misspellings, misinterpretations, justifications, and every other color not belonging to it. Quite frankly we can no longer trust what we see right in front of our eyes.

My dear friend, Malidoma Patrice Some, said this:

The blind man had two eyes
That saw things that moved
And things that did not move.

He thought he was not blind
And was proud to see,

But when asked to see the moving
In the thing that does not move
He decided he was blind.

His eyes would not believe
That the still was not still
And that the moving could cease
Because the only thing
the moving knew
Was move, move and move

Seeing had become blindness
And that which does not move
Knows you lie to yourself
When you lend trust to
what you see now.

It is vital that we take to heart the meaning of truth. We need to truly open our eyes and see what is right in front of us and describe it with accuracy. Many view me as a religious man while other say I am gifted in math and physics, I am neither, I am RABBIT. Seeing myself in the mirror is difficult at times as when I see what is reflected I see some very scary things. I see a world of pollution, I see an education system that has failed our children, I see religious factors who have taken the fundamental meaning of the very book they trust, the Bible, and become blind by human complexity to it's true simplicity, I see many things when I look into the mirror and I take full responsibility for all of these things. I am the one who cased the wars but I am also the one who created peace, I am the one who wrote so many bad, incorrect versions of knowledge but I am also the one who contributed to it's fundamental meaning, I am the child who was told he could change the world, but I am also the man who was told he couldn't. I am all of these things and with that realization I saw RABBIT. Does this mean I am God? Yes, it does! BUT and there is a very big BUT to this, this means I am the DEVIL too. What a realization, huh? But it did does not END there. When I finally looked into that mirror and accepted responsibilities for this entire universe, good and bad I realized something else....ANOTHER IMPORTANT PART OF TRUTH....I realized that you are GOD too. You are both all good and all evil, you are responsible for all memorials, victories, wars and solidarity's. YOU are all powerful but until you see yourself in truth you will seem insignificant, you will constantly crave something you will never reach. Until you see yourself in the absence of factors that distort the fundamental vision of the present STATE OF MATTER you will only see versions of the truth that will constantly make you feel smaller and the universe become larger. Until you can accurately SEE the word truth you will be looking at life through glasses that disguise you you truly are...GOD.

If this realizations scares you, as it does many, then you on the right frequency, you are starting to see some clarity to the vision. For the time being believe half of what you see and NONE of what you hear...Even if it is spat by me. Self realization, as close to perfect as it can be is only maintained by 3 rules. Those two rules are very simple and with the acceptance of the 3 laws you become empowered with the creative powers of the universe but ironically the rules limit your inability, as a human, to keep things in focus. The first law is that you can NEVER TELL ANYONE YOUR GOD, this is why it is vital to tell and treat every other individual as GOD. Giving the gift only empowers it's meaning. The second rule is you can not mess with FREE WILL. You can talk to someone, teach them, be patient with them, encourage them, perform for them but you can NEVER make them take what you are offering. It is up to them to take what they feel it right for them. Reminding them that they are GOD will help them take only the things worthy of such a great being. Reminding them of their shortcomings, holding them hostage to their mistakes, gossiping about them to make yourself feel better about your own shortcomings, any of these tactics aimed at manipulating FREEWILL will only serve to FREE you of your own WILL. When you go for a job interview you want is makes more sense to dress well, speak well, represent yourself well to get that job....What would be the point of pointing out all of the employers mistakes? Will that get you what YOU WANT? No!

The last, but most important law is the number THREE. The number 3 intoxicates us with words like TRINITY, TRIANGLE, MAGIC, etc. it is what is called a MANIFORD in mathematics and any number that proceeds it causes KAOS to the entire mathematical structure. Three, in short, is very powerful and the third law follows a reflection of equal intensity. The 3rd law is FORGIVENESS.

Not everyone sees their true reflection, not you or I, no one. We can only hope to see the truth in it's most prime factor but as humans we tend to add to the equation. In our addition we tend to put things there that do not belong there. We can only hope that we are able to see truth as accurately as possible but as fallible human beings we often fall short. To the degree that we fall out of focus is without time or distance, it is only a reflection of how much we have complicated it's meaning. I can tell you till I am blue in the face that you are BLUE but until you really see you are BLUE you will only see RED. The only way to see that you are not RED but BLUE is by looking at yourself with complete TRUTH. When you do you will see that not only you were lieing to yourself but I too lied, you are certainly CLEAR. The only reason you could even think you were some color is because you plopped some paint on yourself and pretended you were something you where not. Why did you choose to cover your pristine clear image with paint? That answer is simple, you wanted to disguise yourself. Some where disguises to help the world sing, dance, draw, learn, etc. while others put on a costume to hide from the layers of paint that are just below the surface.

Who would want to be CLEAR? We want the truth with the elegance of the gifted tailor. We learn at a very young age to dress up, to pretend, to, in the most beautiful way, paint our clearness with the most beautiful paint. Where did we start adding the crappy colors? I suppose the same place we learned to paint the boogie man, satan, the reaper and every other nightmare that SCARED us out of our primal infancy of beautiful creation. Somewhere along the way we were scared into hiding in the paint, somewhere along the way we forgot we were clear, someone told us at one point we were everything and they took that back. In the first steps out of our CLEAR creation we were told we were GOD, along the winding road we were lied to and convinced we were less than that. How long will we cover the word truth with paint of ignorance born of confusion? When will there be so much paint on the clear surface that it finally can hold no more and all of the evil mistruths come true? Damn, people are dying to get the answer, QUITE LITERALLY!

How hard is it to forgive? How hard is it to see a painting on glass as something that can be wiped clean and recreated? Windex is not that expensive, is it? Neither is forgiveness. If someone has failed you or themselves, If someone has painted pictures, that may appear evil to you, and they present these paintings with pride, whether that pride is of pain and suffering or pride of ego, you must value that painting with the same value that the painter did. If someone has come to you for help, if someone recognized they may have not created the best paintings and they trust you will not see them for their art but their canvas, you must forgive them and help them paint the most beautiful picture you can.

Remember, the pictures you see around you can be tainted by the lies you tell yourself. If you want to see Heaven all around you, you too need to see Heaven in every one. The most accurate picture we can make of the word TRUTH is seeing it in 3 ways, 1. GOD 2. WILL 3. FORGIVE.

Remember, there is always GOD who is above, below and around you. So as you create in your universe, as GOD, remember that GOD always has a hand on your back.

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