Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kindness and Planning

Being a kind person is a very underestimated gift. Many see a kind act as a sacrifice and tend to miss the greater meaning. The act of giving is never selfless as reciprocation is always an incentive to some degree. For instance, if I were on my way to the next town to pick something up for myself, why not pick something up for someone else? This sounds like a simple concept but most people are not listening to those around them who do need something picked up in the next town.

I usually take my coffee at the local Starbucks in my town. I am constantly going back and forth from the towns around me getting things done and if I am planning a trip that day I will see if anyone needs anything on my way. With all the great folks I encounter at my morning coffee I am always hearing how one guys needs this and someone else needs that. If I am able to get it done for them on my way it is really not that difficult to do. This type of planning and cooperation is rarely seen in modern society. So many people are on their computers and cell phones that they do not hear what the people around them are saying. I just think it is important to listen and help out where you can.

With a little planning in advance and a good notebook to keep track I am able to get much more done and help a few guys on the way.

Just some food for thought


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