Wednesday, August 6, 2008



FOX TODAY: The doctors then prescribed me a much larger dose of Lexapro and also prescribed me a strong dose of Xanax. The worst thing I ever did, in my opinion, was allow the doctor to prescribe me those drugs.

I became a zombie and during all this time I got made redundant from my job I then struggled to even look for work or get up in the morning. I hated what I was becoming but at the same time, i didn't even care.

I stopped caring about my health, my job, my fiance and pretty much anything else in my life at the time. I put on lot's of weight, I got another good job but then lost it because I didn't care, my plans to build my own house with my fiance fell through, my fiance ended up cheating on me because I didn't treat her how she should be, etc, etc.. Everything in my life fell apart and it all came about because of my "depression".

RABBIT: I have always believed that the only way a person could mentally diagnose another person is by being in the same mental state as the patient. Now, even if a doctor is a person suffering with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) [or any other mental illness] and treats a patient with the same diagnosis there is still a major flaw in determining diagnosis because an original diagnosis would have had to be made on the doctor before he could deem himself an obsessive compulsive and that diagnosis was from another doctor. The loop is endless in a game of "who came first? the chicken or the egg?" but this story comes with a lesson.

If all
definitive, mental diagnosis come from a book called the DSM4 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), then who wrote the book? This may awaken some anger in those who truly believed their disorder was "real" but unfortunately it is perceived. Worse yet, perceived by someone that is not you! This manuel is filled with every mental disorder known to man and every word is written by a person with an independent consciousness than you. He or she may be basing their final editing on a incorrect assessment of any particular disorder. When we add up this seemingly, endless math of written diagnosis and who wrote it we end up with just that, and endless equation of infinite paths. This should awaken someone's voice next time they speak with their psychiatrist. THE QUESTIONS ARE INFINITE

I stated in another BLOG that It is very scary that someone who is not me can tell me who I am. Stranger is that we do identify ourselves with any external influence we find powerful from medical diagnosis to learned religion. A vulnerable, human mind is highly impressionable, and when we find ourselves in a difficult situation we sometimes run off to see the Psychiatrist. After the doctor spends 25 minutes observing you, where you may be going through a temporary phase that will correct itself (as many people do), she decides you have depression (or some other name-tag mental illness). You, who may be misdiagnosed, begin to be educated about your "new" disorder through literature and books. You also start taking different psych meds prescribed for a possibly, misdiagnosed state.

This may apply to you FOX or not but the lesson is a good one. When we are going through difficulties and looking for serious answers to a question as powerful as "Who am I?" we are opening our souls to the trusted responders answer. We seek the answer so desperately that when we get the answer we better hope it is a positive one because we will take it to heart, take it to soul, take it to mentality and very quickly take it to reality. The minute the doctor diagnosed you he answered your question and to show how this model works I will illustrate the situation the way it may have been for you as it was and is for many.

The second people are given a diagnosis and state it as "I AM Depressed" or any other work that precedes I AM, they immediately start to personify the actual WORD. In many cultures this "method" is used in meditation and affirmation for a more Godly state. In the Alpha Blade Program we use this "method" of I AM to create what is called the "ALPHA STATE". The mantra is "I AM Eternal and Infinite, Loving and Strong, I AM perfect in all ways, I am the creator of my universe." The value of this mantra is universally powerful. It uses the 2 most prime words to declare your person oneness. Your Alpha Being. Those who use Alpha Blade and use it's tools, like the ALPHA MANTRA already know it's infinite power and how it has created very perfect moments in your life. How it has attracted each and every datum of your desires to you like a magnet. The mantra is without time or any other measurement of is simple and clear...You state who you are and you do become this being...

With that said if you declared a negative mantra, of sorts, like "I AM Depressed" you have too made a loud and clear statement, to the universe, that you are DEPRESSED. Therefore, following all laws of nature, the universe aligns itself in such a way that you start to create matter in your world that takes on lives of their own. This process not only follows the laws of physics in magnetism, conservation of energy and the law of information but it seems to go beyond some of these laws and time itself becomes questionable. I mean, if you declared "I AM Depressed" and that message went out to the universe it would only follow that you would get all of the matter associated with that statement. Things like poor health, suffering relationships, lack of energy, job issues, sexual issues, the list goes on. My biggest discovery in all my work in Alpha Blade, one that is both good or bad, is that time is highly illogical, even non-existant when it comes to things like magnetism, information, transformation of energy, etc. It seemed as though you were able to take your life from Excellent to Terrible very quickly (time wise) You changed who you were immediately by announcing, to the universe but even larger than the universe, yourself, "I AM Depressed" and you defied all laws of time and light when with the "speed of thought" you created your current world.

The good side of this coin is that you can see the power of your WORD and use that power to RE-STATE who you are. With all your experience and successes in your life, who better qualified for the job?

My goals in part of my work in the psychiatry of Alpha Blade is to teach, trough example, methods of creating the persona you deserve. One you have always wanted, one that embodies all of what you dream to be. Understanding that your Persona was developed instantaneously without knowing when the doctor told you that FOX was really DEPRESSED, think how quick it would be for you to change your persona knowing you are creating it? FOX,you immedietly starting manifesting physical realities as soon as you said "I Am DEPRESSED" You instantly created relationships, jobs, health, etc. that matched that profile. Imagine being aware of who you are and then getting the things you desire?

This case of FOX is very real and, just like anyone who joins this site, FOX will exemplify the power of Alpha Blade, in essence teaching anyone who is watching.

Join In Folks


1 comment:

The Fox said...

Thank you for working with me Rabbit. I am feeling more and more positive about my future each day now.

I am keeping a blog tracking my own personal journey on your Alpha Blade program.

You can read it here:

I will also keep you updated in the blog comments on your blog.

Thank you so much.