Thursday, August 7, 2008


KANGA: Hello, My name is Kanga, I am 38 years old male and now into my second marriage.  My first marriage lasted about 7 years and I have a daughter who is 10 from that marriage.  I get along great with my ex wife and we have a great relationship. 

  My current marriage has lasted 7 years so far and we have a son.  We have a very open marriage as far as communication goes.  We have a few deal breakers though---any sort of abuse--physical, verbal or emotional.  Or any sort of cheating.  Those will end the marriage.   We have very open discussions about sex and she also helps with my
PE.  She and I both feel that what happens in our bedroom is none of no one's business and she will do most anything to please me.

   I am from a middleclass/comfortable background.  My wife and I have steady income but we are not rich or well off by any means.  We both work hard and we both share the same financial goals as well.

  My problems are almost all physical.  I want to stop smoking, lose weight, and increase the size of my penis through PE.  I know all are possible as I have achieved short term gains in all three areas but then I always lose focus or get lazy when I try to combine more than 2 of the goals from above----examples

  I am 220 pounds and 5'11.  I have weighted as little as 175 just 6-7 years ago.  My max weight was 240.

  I stopped smoking for 6 months.  I smoke about a pack aday and I quit for 6 months last year.  I have smoked for 21 years.  I attempt on average 1 major quit a year which usually last a month or so.

  I am very insecure about my penis size as well.  I am currently 5.5x5.5  At one time I was 7x6 but this was after a very intense PE program of 6 months while my wife was away in Iraq.  I was really into my PE workouts everyday during that time---I also only weighed 190 at that time as well.

I am also very insecure about my penis size for 2 reasons---

    1.  I was sexually abused for a short time when I was a kid.  The person was a family friend and it only happened a few times.  Even though I am emotionally over that part.  The one thing that has stayed with me is that I was told--"you have such a small pee-pee".

  2.  My wife has not had an orgasm in a little over 2 years.  This is due to some very complicated medical/physical issues concerning pregnancy and bearing a child.  Sex hurts since the birth of our son and because of that she would have sex just to please me but would try and get it over quickly.  Even though I know the medical and physical facts behind this, I am still affected by this because I feel inadequate that I can't make her orgasm.

  These all seem tied together to me but I can't seem to tackle all three.  I can't exercise too much because I get winded due to the smoking and they both are tied to PE.  I also have horrible craves for food when I try to quit smoking.  Anything sweet.  Especially chocolate.  Cakes, candy, ice cream, cokes, anything sweet.  I also don't drink near enough water.  I feel like I will never be able to tackle all 3 problems so I give up whenever I try one and see success--go figure.  Or I try one and then give it up to start another then give up---I quit smoking for a month or so and then I start to exercise but then get depressed again over the smoking so I fall back into the same cycle.

 1.  I want to finally quit smoking for good.  I know it is possible, I just can't get my head there

 2.  I want to go from 220 down to at least 180.

 3. I want to get my penis size to my old size and then perhaps even larger.

Thank You


PS. Also--please let me know if you got the latest donation.  I wanted to be sure it worked.

  I spoke to my wife tonight and I told her I might fly to Boston sometime to see you and maybe help with the Alpha Blade project----I know I shouldn't invite myself but I wanted to let you know That I might be available for a weekend if you need hand during production or anything. Let me know

RABBIT: Hello Kanga!  Thanks for the letter and I am sure that your decision to join the Alpha Blade Community will make your transitions for easy.

I got your donation and every penny helps me do my work...I appreciate it deeply.  I would love to see you in 4 weeks when every goal you have has been accomplished.

Your goals are that you want to quit smoking, become 180 pounds and regain your maximum sexual size. These goals when really examined are very simple to acquire. As a matter of fact I can see this happening in no time at all as it has already happened. When someone is aware that they occupy a body that does not belong to them it feels wrong, it does not correspond to the mental picture they hold in their mind. This is actually a better place to be than someone who occupies the wrong body and fails to realize it. These people have a skewed mental picture of who they are and the body they dwell in, all be it wrong, seems to be where they believe they belong. In the latter, those people find it impossible to lose weight, quit smoking, correct sexual issues, etc. Since they feel as though the body belongs to them they will continue to live as such, doing all the right things to maintain it.

The mind is a very small but vast place. It holds extreme powers of creation and the product of it's creation is the reality that surrounds us in a world just as vast and small. For some, changing the world is an impossibility because they still see there small mind as being impossible to change but to someone who is able to change their body with such ease because their mind is so vast, well the world become so small that it is easy to change. Matters of size have always been the haunting and the inspiration behind changing the great or small.

We perceive matter, things like body size, cars, homes, countries, planets, etc. as being very disconnected from the energy that animates their being. Energy is nothing more than the other side of mass but what makes it "matter" is the fact that we do have a saying in how the energy is used and where it goes. With that said it puts each of us in a very powerful position. When we realize that we not only have the ability to create matter, but we are truly the source of it's life via the energy we so generously give it, then we have taken responsibility for not only the good and bad of who we may perceive ourselves as but the good and bad that is part of our universe.

Being a creator is a gift each one of us has. It has always been but this power of creation has been so analyzed and dissected by the modern mind that it has become practically impossible to see, let alone use. Today when something happens to someone that is good they tend to call in luck. This puts the receiving of the good thing into uncertainty of it's origin. We have been so confused by the vast library of knowledge that has tried to correctly identify this ability to create that it has now become an ability only held by those smart enough to read through all of the billions of descriptions to it's instruction or those dumb enough to see it in it's simplify...I am the latter. Ironically, my original inception of my abilities to create came out of my inability to understand the complexity of the libraries of knowledge. Strangely enough, when I realized the gift of creation I realized I never needed to know all of the knowledge of creations description, I already knew it....I always new it, I only forgot. Once I started to remember I am the creator, I realized that each and every physical reality not only belonged to me but I had full abilities to change it for the better.

Each of us is instilled with the abilities of the creator. You too Kanga are the creator and the weight of your universe, being so heavy at times, but oh so precious, belongs to you and it is your job to make it as beautiful as you can with the infinite power you possess. I could easily tell you that you should think small and you have no affect on the world but that would be lying as the truth is your affect is much smaller than that, your power comes from the largest place, your mind and it affects the smallest place, your universe. The tools of change are the matter that surrounds you and the energy you use to animate it. Losing 40 pounds of weight is not so hard when you realize the weight of the universe is in your mind.

So where do we start? You have shown me a very vivid picture of your universe and it seems like a very beautiful one, perfect in many ways. Which parts of this picture do you want to erase? What things would you like to add? If I would make these changes as fast as possible. Tomorrow is 08-08-08, this seems like a good place to restart your universe fresh and as close to perfect as you can. Tonight I would like you to get a sheet of paper. On one side of the paper I want you to right the date at the top (08-07-08) and on the other side of the paper I want your to right the date (08-08-08). One side should be upside down from the other side as in the picture. Fold the sheet down the middle and draw a black dot at the center of the sheet. Now I want you to draw your life as it is today on the 7 size and draw your life as it is on the 8 side. The only difference between the two sides is on one you are before your goals and the other you are after your goals. Tonight fold the page and keep a pen with you by your bedside. When you go to sleep this evening I want you to retire with full intention to be at your goals in the morning. When you awaken on the 8th I want you to unfold the sheet and poke a hole from one side into the other and push the pen through. The pen should go from the 7th to the 8th. WHen you pull the pen from that side of the paper I want you to right 1. The 1 will represent your first goal accomplished, you will be someone who only fills his lungs with air. Over the next thirty days I want you to do this ritual every morning. I can see you on the 8th of September as a 180 pound, healthy physically and sexually correct.

Making a physical picture that serves function will allow you to make these mental changes in no a fold or hole in time. Go buy some gum or lolipops:)

We will talk more as you go further into the Bunny Hole:)


1 comment:

The Fox said...

Good luck with your goals Kanga!