Friday, August 8, 2008

Another Visit from FAX

FOX SAID: Hi Rabbit, this is Fox again. I just thought I would give you an update on one of my goals on the Alpha Blade program. My weight loss.

Around 3-4 weeks ago when my fiance and I broke up, I decided to weigh myself. When I looked at the scales I was not happy with what I saw. I was 109kg, the heaviest weight I have been in my life.

I decided from that point on that I am not going to live the unhealthy life I have been living. I need to lose this weight.

Anyway, over the past few weeks I have been trying to eat healthy and trying to get a little bit of exercise in every now and then. So far I have lost 6.1kg and I now weigh 102.9kg.

My goal weights are either 80kg lean or 87kg with good muscle definition. I am hoping you will be able to give me some tips on achieving that.

RABBIT: The word TRY is another word for fail. Trying leaves open justifications to fail. Why would we leave a justification to fail when we want something so badly? It seems self-defeating but it is really just a way to remain consistent with the comfortable way things are. I made a commitment to stop smoking yesterday but when I came to midnight of today, the day I said I would quit, I noticed how I left the loophole of time open so I could smoke until midnight this evening and still accomplish my goal but sadly this loophole was only a creative way to lie to myself and allow me to continue smoking. Even though I have a picture in my mind of me being free of cigarettes it still had backdoors that allowed me to escape from making the change.

Justifications are pure fear. Fear keeps us hostage in the current moment of dissatisfaction. For all time cultures have told us that desire and sadness are the root of suffering. Desire, in my case is the comforting, pacification of smoking and the sadness I feel is a reflection of my greatest attempt at change, trying. It takes a very strong soul to make a commitment to change. As good as the change is for us the journey to it becomes a timely sufferance.

Stopping smoking is something that takes no time at all. It is a decision of mind and the benefits that follow this choice are ones of greatness, just like losing weight but according to a very old law of nature, alchemy, gaining one state of being only comes at the departure of another. Saying goodbye to anything we own, good or bad, weight or smoke, is difficult as it will be gone forever and the birth of the new life takes time to reach maturity so, just like a new born, the education, commitment and love it takes to maintain that child until they are independent sometimes supersedes the very being of desired maturity.

Saying goodbye to your extra weight is hard to understand in it's current model but sometimes a comparison is in order. Here is a fable I wrote that may get the point across easier. Enjoy the painting too!

Yenny is a very poor artist. She needs money so desperately, it would literally save her life. The pain of what surrounds Yenny is that of poverty, struggle, ignorance and destitution. If Yenny could only find a way to make money she could solve all of her suffering. Yenny has been working on a painting for 3 years now, She paints this picture everyday with ferocity. It feeds her soul in so many ways that the painting becomes a source of psychological survival. She shows people her painting and people take opinion on it. Good and bad opinions only serve to inspire Yenny to adding new energy and matter to her work. The painting goes with her everywhere are she will add to it in a moments notice. She feels pain, she adds a flower, she feels joy, she draws some leaves, she feels sorrow, she blackens the dirt, she sees a baby and she adds a bud with seeds, she gets ridiculed, she adds a rose, she feels trapped and she begins to add thorns. Yenny's painting is a great collection of flowers, leaves, branches, water and dirt. In the center of this painting is Yenny herself, a young child wading chest high in the water. This painting is incredibly beautiful even though it was created from millions of emotions and events. Yenny painted sounds and light, she painting life and death, she literally painted her universe. One day, as she sat in a park adding to her painting a man named Armand came along. Armand has watched Yenny paint this picture for 3 years now but never said anything to Yenny. He only watched from a distance and saw this painting transform to a more perfect state of beauty. Armand took great value in Yenny's creation and approached her asking if she would sell this magnificent painting. He offered her so much money that Yenny could change every wrong that was in her life. She could change these things overnight is she sold Armand the painting. Yenny held the painting so close to her heart and said that she could not sell it because it meant so much to her. Armand thought for a moment and told Yenny he understood. Being a very wealthy man Armand told the young girl, you own that painting for you created it. Every stroke of that painting is built on another and asking you to part with it may seem that I am asking you for your soul. Yenny looked at this great man and said, but how can my soul be a painting, it is only paper and ink. Armand told Yenny she could keep the painting and if she only created a quick sketch of it and he would pay just as much money but he wanted to show her something first. Yenny quickly scribbled a pencil version of the painting on a new piece of paper. She handed the picture to Armand and he pulled a great diamond from his pocket, one that was priceless and perfect. As he held it up to the light it reflected everywhere and Yenny was mesmerized. Armand looked at the sketch and took Yenny by the hand. He said, "I will give you this diamond, which will solve all of your problems, I only ask that you take a look at something first. Yenny was puzzled, she asked the man why he would give her a diamond so glorious for a sketch of a painting? WHat was it that he wanted her to see? Armand took Yenny by the hand and walked down to a great lake that was just below the park. He asked Yenny to hold the painting up to herself and look at the reflection in the water. He said that if she did this he would give her the diamond for the sketch and he would be on his way. Yenny eagerly agreed. She held her great painting up to her self and looked at the reflection in the lake only something was missing. There was no painting, she only saw herself. Her body was decorated with many paints, inks and colors of all kinds but no canvas was visible. Armand gave Yenny the diamond and put the sketch in his pocket. As he was walking away he yelled to Yenny "Your painting is one of near perfection, now jump in the lake and wash yourself clean for you are now a wealthy woman"

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