Sunday, July 27, 2008

Who Am I? What Am I? Who Are You?

Many people do not know who I am or what my background is but I think it is important that I tell you and I will explain why. This is a kind of lesson in forgiveness and love. My life story is online in so many capacities it is crazy. I have been called an obsessive compulsive, bi-polar, high school drop out, among hundreds of other things. I have never disagreed with any of these words as every one of them is true. People go through their lives hiding who they are from society because they are worried what the world will think of them. As they try to hide their issues it becomes evident on their faces that they are not happy, how could they be? When they are constantly hiding from themselves and the people around them. It must feel like being a fugitive.

I like to refer to the movie 8 Mile staring Marshal Mathers when making this comparison. The character named Rabbit was a rapper. He was very poor, he lived in a trailer park, he had no father, he was mostly jobless, he could not hold a relationship, he was persecuted for all of this by the people around him and during the entire movie he tried to hide it from everyone. He would do rapping competitions on Weekend evenings where he would do a competition called "Freestyling". A freestyle battle is a contest in which two or more rappers compete or battle each other using freestyle rap. Each competitor's goal is to 'diss' their opponent through clever lyrics. Each rapper is giving a set among of time to rap against music being played in the background by a Disc Jokey.

Rabbit attend these battle every weekend and tried hard to hide who he was. He never could win or even make it through a battle until he became very clever. In a final battle against the best rapper there Rabbit, knowing the guy was going to use all of his terrible past against him, rapped about his faults first. Once he told the audience who he was he effectively took the power from the judgmental enemies and used it to prove not only he was honest and forthcoming but worthy of respect and forgiveness. The same kind of stuff the bible says.


At some point in your life it is important to not only recognize who you are and the things that you endured in your lifetime. Hiding it from the world will only allow them to create their own, skewed, judgmental and purely evil views of you. If you say "This is who I am and look how I have changed my life for the better by recognizing it!" it will not allow the people around you to sit and chat about who and what you are. Once light is exposed to something shadows no longer lurk. I have gone through many things in my life that make up the person I am. I have carried many heavy crosses and was dealt my fair share of hardship but not for one second will I hide that from the world or allow them to pass judgement on me. I will wear it on my sleeve and when the world will have to recognize me for who I am, the true me, how much I went through and how I was able to endure and come out on top.

If everyone that knew me wrote down everything they thought I am I would need a name tag printed on an infinite banner. By the time the millions of persona views people have of me are wrapped around me I will still be me, 1, myself. Do not let your fear of what people think of you are scare you into hiding from who you are. State it loud and clear and let the world know from your mouth who you are. Picture yourself as a painting of flowers and each flower is a name. When someone tries to name one of your flowers exclaim loudly, I am not the flower I am the entire painting.

For those who sit and pass judgement on people, put a mirror in front of your own face...I am sure demons of equal, or worse, to those you cast out are staring you right back in the face.

Forgiveness and Love... What a novel idea?


Ricki said...
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Ricki said...

Hi Mike,

This blog is very inspiring and I would love to become part of your program and work towards my goals using AlphaBlade.

Here is my story:

Just over a year ago I had everything I wanted. I had a good high paying job, I had the girl of my dreams, I had my health, and I was in a very happy place with everything(or so i thought).

All of a sudden I got hit with "depression". I don't know how it came about but I felt like I was losing my mind and going insane for no reason at all. The doctors first prescribed me Lexapro for the depression and at first I thought "yes, this is working, i'm fine" etc. However my depression actually became worse and my anxiety increased greatly.

The doctors then prescribed me a much larger dose of Lexapro and also prescribed me a strong dose of Xanax. The worst thing I ever did, in my opinion, was allow the doctor to prescribe me those drugs.

I became a zombie and during all this time I got made redundant from my job I then struggled to even look for work or get up in the morning. I hated what I was becoming but at the same time, i didn't even care.

I stopped caring about my health, my job, my fiance and pretty much anything else in my life at the time. I put on lot's of weight, I got another good job but then lost it because I didn't care, my plans to build my own house with my fiance fell through, my fiance ended up cheating on me because I didn't treat her how she should be, etc, etc.. Everything in my life fell apart and it all came about because of my "depression".

Anyway, since my fiance cheated on me, I was always very bitter about it and blamed it entirely on her. I fell into deeper and deeper debt because I couldn't hold onto a job and I just didn't care about anything.

I decided that I could no longer take the medication i was on because it completely changed who I was. I was no longer the fun, happy person who all my friends knew and liked. I was no longer the boyfriend/fiance who my girlfriend fell in love with. I was an empty shell.

I stopped taking all of my medication cold turkey and decided that I would never touch it again. I felt fine for about a week after that, trying to stay positive, etc and then all of a sudden I had the worst withdrawal symptoms that I have ever experienced. I kept feeling as though i was being electrocuted from my toes all the way up to the top of my head and would nearly faint. I also couldn't last as long in the bedroom or even really care about that either.

Anyway, fast forward to now. Three weeks ago, my fiance and I had an argument over something small and we decided to break up. Another really bad decision but maybe this was the wake up call I've needed.

I think I've now realised all of our mistakes, etc but I'm not happy. I have a part time low paying job, I'm single and I miss my fiance.

My goals in life now are to start my own business, become fit and healthy, and to find love again, hopefully with my fiance, but if not then with someone who appreciates me for who I am.

Please let me know if you can help me achieve this. I can document my entire progress, etc for you and this blog.

Thanks in advance.
